Major Chimney Refurbishment – ESB Poolbeg, Ireland

Zenith Group is a world leader in providing engineering-led, innovative industrial chimney services to blue-chip clients worldwide. For over 20 years, Zenith’s specialists have worked on the iconic red and white Poolbeg stacks, beloved landmarks of the Dublin skyline, and have been appointed by ESB to several other power stations in Ireland.
Led by Project Manager Duffy, our highly experienced team recently completed the initial phase of the major repainting project at the Poolbeg chimneys in Dublin, the tallest of which measures 207.8 meters. Zenith was responsible for project management, quality assurance, engineering design, temporary works installation, and on-site inspection, maintenance, and repair operations.
After designing and installing a robust cathead scaffold at the termination points, eight suspended access systems were set up on both chimneys. Detailed inspections and necessary concrete repairs were followed by jet washing the upper 100 meters of the external windshields. A hydrophobic impregnation coating was then applied to enhance substrate durability. Finally, two coats of red and white paint were applied to recreate the existing aviation banding system on the upper 100 meters of the chimney windshields.
In 2015, Zenith added steel caps to each chimney to ensure their long-term stability and the Poolbeg Stacks have now been given heritage status.
Our team of specialist engineers, including James Gore and Paul Kingham (both formerly of Bierrum), boasts over 85 years of combined experience. We work closely with our clients to identify and undertake repairs and maintenance before major incidents occur. Trusted by the world’s leading power, oil and gas, and cement companies, we bring innovation, safety, and excellence to every project.
The initial phase was captured on video timelapse, click to view. Our team will return in March to complete the project.