Zenith brings innovation to Moneypoint chimneys

Moneypoint Power Station is one of the largest electricity generators in Ireland. The chimneys at Moneypoint stand at an impressive height of 218m, making them the tallest free-standing structures in Ireland.
For over 20 years, Zenith has been providing safe, innovative, and time-saving repairs for Moneypoint’s chimneys. Initially appointed during the company’s early days, Zenith has recently been reappointed and a crew has returned to undertake the latest phase of repairs and maintenance at the site.
Our in-house engineers designed an innovative suspended platform, enabling our crew to access the full height of the internal structures, to undertake internal works. Extensive external scaffolding has been installed including across the top of the chimneys to replace the chimneys caps and external concrete repair and maintenance.
Our experienced chimney team, includes renowned industry expert Paul Kingham, supporting clients worldwide. Zenith deliver, safe and innovative chimney works with a commitment to excellence. With our extensive experience, we provide the best solutions for your chimney needs.
Contact us today to find out about how we can support your chimney projects.