Home / Case Studies / Petroineos, Grangemouth, United Kingdom

Petroineos, Grangemouth, Scotland

H302 Internal Access Platform

Zenith was awarded the contract to design, install and operate an internal access platform inside the a vessel.

Following a full design by Zenith Consultants, a trial build and load test was performed at Zenith’s test facility.

The work scope included:

  • The installation of platform suspension points on the heater roof.
  • The creation of apertures for wire rigging locations.
  • The installation of the platform within the heater base and connection to the rigging.
  • Load test platform.
  • Zenith assisted Petroineos during the turnaround period by operating the platform as required to facilitate inspection and repair works incorporating a rescue procedure.

At the end of the turnaround, the platfrom and associated rigging was removed and the temporary access points on the heater roof were resealed.

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